In Ctrl, you play as a computer mouse trying to prevent its program from closing or succumbing to errors. You maneuver the platforming levels by using the cut, copy, and paste keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+x, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v) to modify your environment. You can also use tab to dash sideways and the spacebar to jump. Your enemies, infinite load times and spelling errors, will try to stop you. Your goal is to reach the floppy disk save icon before the timer runs out or you run out of health.

How To Play (copied from the how to play scene in the game)

  • Objective: Reach the save (floppy disk) icon as fast as possible without dying or running out of time.
  • Use spacebar to jump.
  • Use the cut, copy, and paste shortcuts to remove and add blocks/enemies from the level.
  • Use tab to dash from side to side. 
  • Tab, cut, copy, and paste use Ctrl energy which is obtained by collecting Ctrl tokens.
  • Press "R" to restart the current level.
  • The white blocks are static. The green blocks are modifiable. 

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